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品牌: 铠卫
产品规格: 多线型
产品型号: SG108
单价: 150.00元/只
起订: 1 只
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-07-08 11:22
浏览次数: 116

General Description
The SG108 Sound Strobe of notification appliances
offers a wide range of Sound/strobes, for wall and
ceiling applications, indoors and outdoors. They are
designed to be used in 24 volt DC systems.

Features and Benefits
Compatible with all the conventional fire alarm
control panel
Long light life up to 80000 flahsed
High sound level up to 100dB

Installation Guidelines
All wiring must be installed in compliance with the Nationa Electrical
Code, applicable state and local codes, and any special requirements of
the local Authority Having Jurisdiction.

Technical Specifications
Ordering Information
Individual(1 units)
(w x d x h millimetres) Weight
103x103x45 158g
Dimensions: Diameter 103mm, Height 45mm
Weight: Net Weight 158g, Gross Weight 170g
Operating Temperature Range: -10°C to 50°C
Operating Humidity Range: 10% to 93% Relative Humidity, Noncondensing

Electrical Ratings
System Voltage (nominal): 24 VDC (9V~ 32VDC)
Standby Current: 60 μA @ 24VDC
Alarm Current: 50 mA @ 24 VDC
Strobe Flash Rate: 0.5 flash per second
Strobe Lifetime: Minimum 80000 times
Alarm Sound Intensity: Minimum 100dB

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