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For the court security escort

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2010-06-18 10:21
浏览次数: 749
Court is the judicial organs of the state, This determines the authority of the court. The court set the security measures to maintain the normal order of the court of judgment, Currently on the market, the hand-held metal door detector and portable detector., can detect metal objects on other items are powerless. Therefore, Shanghai dashing scan technology Co., LTD. In the judicial system security needs grandly promotes the latest human scan system, third generation of human intelligence DSBS scan system . Can effectively detect metal, nonmetal liquid bomb, bomb, knives, and high-tech engineering plastic scissors, corrosive chemical toxic powder. and so on.
         The product advantage of Intelligent human DSBS detection system:
l       It is nowhere to hide human body preset bombs and drugs
l       Metal, nonmetal, liquid, powder Thoroughly
l       Respect the privacy, not prominent surface characteristics
l       High efficiency detection, a single test time less than two seconds
l       Close to the end of natural radiation dose, A test accept the natural radiation to 4 minutes on a plane., not any harm to human body.
     Detailed product information, You can visit our website (www.dashingscan.com)
     Shanghai dashing scan technology Co., LTD could escort for various judicial system staff.. Willing to maintain and protect legal authority and dignity, and the construction of harmonious society.

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